About Karen
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."
- Thomas Carlyle
My Background (and the lessons learned!):
A New York City native, I've been a transplanted Californian for over 30 years - but...
Adults Going Home Again
"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future."
- Alex Haley
Thoughts about family connections: Going Home Again.............
You're a mature adult - haven't been a kid for a long time! So why do you...
Adults Going Home: Article
Going Home Again:Family Communication Tips for Adults
You're an adult now - really you are! Your employer thinks you're an adult. Your friends have no doubts about your age and adulthood. You pay your bills, maintain a busy calendar, negotiate your...
"The more alternatives, the more difficult the choice"
- Abbe' D'Allanival
Choosing a therapist can be a daunting task! How can you possibly sort out all the information you have in order to decide which therapist will be the best fit for you?
"Writing is thinking on paper."
-William Zinsser (US journalist, editor, educator, writer)
Following are links to some of my own thoughts on paper (well - on your screen!):
The 15-Minute Decision: Is This the Right Therapist for Me?
Help! Someone...
"Knowledge itself is power." - Sir Francis Bacon
Listed below are books that I have reviewed or that have been recommended to me. I'll be adding to this list frequently, so please check back to see what's new.
How to Talk so Teens w...
Communication to Reduce Conflict....
"Argument is the worst sort of conversation."
- Jonathan Swift
Effective communication can make all the difference!
Have you been trying to figure out why your ordinary personal and business communications go so wrong?
Do you often end up angry...
Communication to Reduce Conflict....
"Argument is the worst sort of conversation."
- Jonathan Swift
Effective communication can make all the difference!
Have you been trying to figure out why your ordinary personal and business communications go so wrong?
Do you often end up angry...
"All of us, at certain moments of our lives, need to take advice
and to receive help from other people."
- Alexis Carrel
Consultation Information:
Sometimes, a question is just a question! It may not be therapy that's needed, but just some guidance...
"You create your opportunities by asking for them."
- Patty Hansen, Prevention Magazine, 11-05
Video sessions are available for California residents. I invite you to give me a call and let's chat about the options.
Contact Information:
Counseling to reduce stress, anger, conflict
Video Sessions Available
And thanks for checking out my website and blog .
Teletherapy for California residents:call 310-475-1759 or email now.If you're in the Los Angeles area,ask about options for in-person s...
"Family is just accident...... They don't mean to get on your nerves. They don't even mean to be your family. They just are!" - Marsha Norman
Effective family communication can be challenging!
You're family is changing..... now wha...
Stress, Conflict, Anger Management
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
Frequently Asked Questions
If you've been browsing through this site, you may have already found answers to many of your questions. I've tried, on this page, to just add questions I'm...
My fees (for both teletherapy and in-office sessions) :
My rate is $160 per 55 minute individual session.
Rates for families vary depending on length of sessions and specific services provided.
Consultation fees depend on individual needs and...
For Parents: Effective Communication About Your Child
Talking to the Teacher:
Parent tools for more effective communication
with your child's school........
You've just gotten a message from the teacher:
Are you dreading the conversation you know you need to have?
Do you know how to get the ...
For Teachers: Effective Communication with Families
"A teacher affects eternity;
he can never tell where his influence stops."
Henry B. Adams
What a positive thought - and one I firmly believe! I used to teach (Special Education). I remember those kids who returned as adults. They remember when we...
Are anger, conflict or stress hurting your relationships?
Good intentions, great ideas, friendly conversations:
all get lost when communication becomes conflict!
Don't know what to do or say to make things better?
Learn how to...
Going Home Again:Family Communication Tips for Adults
Going Home Again:
Family Communication Tips for Adults
You're an adult now - really you are! Your employer thinks you're an adult. Your friends have no doubts about your age and adulthood. You pay your bills, maintain a busy calendar, negotiate your...
Grief and Loss
"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
- Anais Nin
Teletherapy is available.
Is there a hole in your heart? A space in your life that you feel can never ...
Help Me! or Not??
Help Me! or Not??
When I can’t do something, and I need help, I ask.
Sometimes I get the help; sometimes I don’t.
And sometimes, I get help – but not what I said I needed!
When I do need help.... it would be so nice
If the h...
Insurance Information:
Since I am not on any insurance panels, nor am I listed as a preferred provider for any insurance companies, you can be assured that your confidentiality is being protected when you see me - as long as you do not release information...
Learning Disabilities Counseling for Adults
"One day I feel good. The next day I feel bad. I have too many ups and downs.
I think I'm suspended from the bungee cord of life..... - Charlie Brown (Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schultz)
Learning Disabilities - Skills for Coping "...
Men and Counseling
"If you don't believe in yourself, then who will believe in you?....... "The next man's way of getting there might not necessarily work for me, so I have to create my o wn ways of getting there." Michael Korda
Have you been wondering i...
My Style +
What works for you may not work for someone else.
Look for a style that fits you!
For my background, take a look here .
The search for your new therapist:
You may think that it's going to be hard to find a therapist who...
"Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves,
or we know where we can find information upon it."
- Samuel Johnson
For me, psychotherapy involves knowledge of two kinds. You bring into my office whatever you know about ...
Appointment Information and Policies:
Office Hours : I will try to work with you to arrange a regular appointment time that is convenient for you.
Cancellation Policy : If you need to cancel, please do so at least 24 hours in advance. You will...
Relationship Counseling for You Alone!
"People change and forget to tell each other." - Lillian Hellman
What can you do if your spouse or partner is not willing to come with you to a counselor?
Relationships can be so challenging! Do you really need to stop working on your relationship,...
"I find that a great part of the information I have, was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way." - Franklin P. Adams, American columnist
Check out these pages for additional resources. I'll be updating them once ...
Someone is Complaining About My Child!
Someone is Complaining
about my Child!
Effective Communication Tips for Parents
This article was originally written for use with my family and school consultation services.
If you could use some help with figuring out how this might work...
Teens in School
"Don't let yourself forget what it's like to be sixteen." - Anonymous
Teens in High School:
Strategies for parents – avoiding the chaos!
Are you the parent of a high schooler? Being a teenager can be so challenging! Sometimes y...
The 15 Minute Decision: Is This the Right Therapist for Me?
“What kind of therapy do you do?” This was the first hesitantly-voiced question I heard one afternoon, from the man who eventually decided to schedule an appointment. What my caller really wanted to know was, “can you help me?”
In the 15-minute space be...
The Challenges of Change
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
- Maria Robinson, author
Change can be overwhelming - and so very challenging..........
One of my pet peeves is that so many of the small thi...
"Life is what happens while were busy making other plans."
- John Lennon
Transitions: passages from one state, stage, place or subject to another; changes.
Life continually presents us with lots of transitions, passages, changes of plans...........
Why I Write
"The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe."
- David Hare (English playwright)
My Articles: Why I Write........
Writing is how I know what I think! Writing articles is so much different than producing copy for this website. For...
Young Adults: Life After High School
Young adults' next task:
preparing for life after high school....
You're all grown up now - but change can be tough!
And all you and your family might need
is a little help figuring out some new ways of being together.....
The main job of the...