“All of us, at certain moments of our lives, need to take advice
and to receive help from other people.”
– Alexis Carrel

Consultation Information:

Sometimes, a question is just a question! It may not be therapy that’s needed, but just some guidance and consultation in finding the best ways to get something important accomplished.

If you’d like more information about my consultation services, please look at these pages:

Communication for Parents  ♦  Communication for Teachers

                                      Adults with Learning Disabilities

If you’re not in the Los Angeles area, but could use some help with issues described on these pages,
I offer limited telephone consultation/coaching services to parents and school personnel. Give me a call to find out how I can help:  310 475-1759I often can pick up your call directly, but if you reach my voice mail, just leave a message at any hour, with some good times to reach you, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

My background includes lots of experience working in the public school system. I know how overwhelming it can be for both parents and teachers when problems arise and communication breaks down. I recognize that it may sometimes feel as though no one really cares about your child (if you’re a parent) or about your administrative and classroom challenges (if you’re a teacher).

Whether you are a parent or a teacher, I offer consultation and support as you try to navigate the educational bureaucracy so that kids can get the care and education they need. My focus is on communication strategies that actually work – for most situations!

If you’d like to talk with me about any of these areas, please contact me to arrange a free phone consultation or to schedule an appointment.

Telephone or in-person consultation is available to help school personnel or family members develop strategies that can enhance the effectiveness of home-school communication.

And – sometimes, the search for the answer to your questions might lead to a realization that the reason you aren’t accomplishing your goal is that other factors are interfering with your ability to achieve your objectives. In that case, you might want to consider starting (or returning to) therapy so that you can deal with whatever emotional issues get in the way for you.